#8 Deadpool Review

As far as comic book characters go, Deadpool is one of the most beloved. The 2016 movie based on the character shattered all expectations as Ryan Reynolds made the character completely his own. One could argue that Deadpool is at the absolute peak of popularity. His witty humor, charisma, ability to break the fourth wall and overall attitude of not really giving a damn are what separate him from other popular Marvel characters. With all that said, the opportunity to give Deadpool an amazing video game has never been more wide open. Activision attempted to capitalize on this effort in late 2015. Ultimately, they struck out. Let's talk about it.

There really isn't too much to this game so we will break it down using two categories. First, we will talk about the gameplay itself, then we will address the rest.

This game features two types of combat. The first being hack-and-slash with Deadpool's twin katana swords. The second being many different types of firearms. Using these two, you go through hundreds of henchman and spill ALOT of blood. At first, the extreme violence combined with Deadpool's comedy make for an entertaining experience. It is extremely humorous to stab a morbidly obese henchman in the stomach and hear one of Deadpool's famous one-liners. However, the combat system is very limited and quickly gets repetitive. Whenever the main mechanic of your game is repetitive, playing the game becomes a chore, and pretty much non-playable. This is the case with Deadpool. It feels more like a mini-game you should be able to buy on PSN rather than a full priced title.

Still, there is some good with this game despite the boring game. Deadpool really steals the show here. Nolan North does a great job voicing the Merc with the mouth. Now, he isn't as good with the character as Ryan Reynolds is, but he does a good job. There really isn't much plot to this game, so don't expect much there either. Where the game really shines is its humor. The jokes are just non-stop and it's really what holds the game together.

Overall, the game is hard to finish due to the boring gameplay, but Deadpool as a character really brings home the bacon. If you are a fan of Deadpool, you'll probably still enjoy the game.




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